Friday, October 31, 2014

Minor Remodel...M.I.A.

As mentioned during my last Blog entry, all we needed to do was have the cement guy finish his two days worth of work before we bring in the other contractors (trades) to do their thing. Standing in the wings, waiting for the green light was the Carpenter, the Stone Mason,  a Steel Worker, and us, the home owners. None of us can do anything until the cement is poured and cured.

On Oct 10th we received and accepted the bid for the cement work, changing the bid into a contract. On Oct 13th, the demo work was completed. For over a week I tried to get a hold of him, with no success. Then he finally showed up to deliver the one load of fill. As he left he said he would be back the next day to finish the fill, build the forms, lay the rebar and call for the first inspection? Only then would it be pouring time.

After waiting over a week, with no answers to my calls or e-mails, we got a message from him saying that he can't work for us anymore...he was too busy with other jobs... and that our deposit was being returned.

Hold on, wait a minute....we have NO stairs. This guy has gone M.I.A.

Now, we are interviewing other cement guys to finish the work so the other contractors waiting in the wings can get to work. 


Isn't remodeling fun?

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