Monday, October 13, 2014

Minor Remodel...Demo Day 1

As you remember, this is what our entrance way looked like when we bought the house. The tiles were removed by the previous owner due to too many people slipping on the slick surface.

Here is one of the main reasons we needed to repair/replace this entry. Beneath the front door, behind that little black metal door, we were able to see that the top level cement landing was broken.

It wasn't until we demo'd the landing that we found the reason why. The person who constructed the stair and landing system didn't attach the rebar to the house. They also didn't wire the rebar together where they intersected each other. After decades of weather, the structure was finally getting to the point where it needed to be fixed before a cave in hurt somebody.
Let the demo begin...

Today is done...Tuesday the mason guy will come over to see exactly what he needs to repair before we fill, form and pour. He has a really busy schedule so hopefully he can get this part of the work done quickly. Nothing else can be done until then. We will keep you posted along the way.
WATCH THAT FIRST's a doozie!
Here is what it sounded like...for the neighbors;

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