Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Minor Remodel ...

This is our house, as it stands today...

We first submitted for our building permit back in August. Once the permit was officially issued we thought things would finally start rolling along, at a reasonable pace...WRONG

Our little project is broken down into multiple stages; Legal (permits), Demo (the fun part), Repairs (fixin' stuff that needs fixin'), Construction (almost as much fun as demo), Finishing Touches  (blah), and finally Cleanup (double Blah).

Each of these stages require different trades (a cement guy to do the demo of our front steps and two landings, a mason guy to repair the damaged cinder block, the cement guy again to form and pour the new landings and steps (stamped to match the driveway) and to pour our new front deck, the mason guy again to lay the rock on the new columns and chimney, a stucco guy to apply a finish on the block wall and finally everyone to clean up after themselves.

In a perfect world that is how it is supposed to go. Our cement guy didn't want to start ripping out our front steps until the permit was issued, even though the demo did not require a permit. We were (are) willing to enter and leave the house by the garage if needed. I contacted our cement guy two weeks ago telling him that the permit was a go and he booked us in for the following Monday. That day came but he didn't. He was stuck on another job and needed to postpone our little remodel. Okay, no worries. He rebooked us for the following Tuesday (yesterday).

His friend, the mason, was running late so Tuesday became a thing of the past with no demo. We are now rebooked for 8am next Monday morning. I'll let you know how that goes.

Just in case you are wondering...this is what we plan on doing:


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