Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Italy as it Happened...Day 5

Italy as it Happened...Day 5

Sunday, April 14th

The day started in a very organized manner (are you surprised?) All of our bags were packed up and it was a simple matter of eating a quick bite before starting on phase 2 of our Italian adventure. We did leave our bags in the room while walking the neighborhood in search of a quaint espresso joint. Found one immediately and soon we were ready to continue on our Tuscany quest.

Last night, while we were enjoying our last evening in Venice, we prepared for today by researching which Vaporetto went to the train station (or at least near it). It was the one that passed closest to our B&B. How easy was that?

We patiently waited for the water bus to pull up, and it did, right on schedule. At exactly 10:00am we boarded the #1 water bus. We were now northward bound, with bags in tow, saying good bye to the canals that surrounded us. For the next thirty minutes we got to see the Venice we missed; the Venice on the other side of St. Mark's Square. There was a whole lot of city laying there, undiscovered. We got to see it from a canal's eye view. Very impressive, very romantic, very overwhelming. Then it was over. The thirty minute ride ended and we were moored only 50 yards from the front steps of the main train station. No more boats for us!

We had an hour to kill so we walked around the area looking for a shop where we could purchase some fresh sliced salami. We had rolls, cheese and tomato already (left overs from the night before). Once we figured out how to print our boarding passes, and knowing which track our train to Florence would be leaving on, we sat there, next to our stationary train, and had a picnic. The cheese, tomato and meat combo still rocked as far as I was concerned.

The train we were booked on was considered a "High Speed" train and would cover the vast distance in just a couple of hours. This long sleek red train sat there with its arrow shaped nose and aerodynamic lines waiting for us to board. As soon as the doors opened, Kerry and I quickly found our reserved seats. "Very nice," I thought, "Very nice indeed."

At exactly 12:55pm our train pulled out of Venice and within the scheduled two hours we arrived in Florence. I am always amazed at how tight the European schedule is as far as transportation goes. They are never late. The same goes for Germany, France, the U.K., everywhere. A fine example of "perfect timing."

On top of the doorway in our car was a digital sign that told you the time and the speed of the train. I couldn't believe it when the readout said we were cruising at 300 kph. That means we were going along at 180 mph (a 100 kilometers = 60 miles. So, 60 x 3 = 180). It was the smoothest train I had ever seen. The scary thing is that there are no seat belts so if there was an accident, we would all end up becoming big messy puddles...not a pleasant thought.

As we exited the train station in Florence we followed our instructions to a tee. Cross the main street towards the big cathedral, then follow the small street on the left side of the church until you come to a bridge. Cross the bridge and turn right on the second street. Turn left here and then left again over there until you reach the address. Presto, we were standing in front of our B&B ringing the bell. A moment later we were buzzed in and began the climb, to the top (4th) floor. It was a long climb but well worth it.

We ended up having the entire apartment to ourselves. There was a master bedroom with master bath, an upstairs loft library with living room, a full kitchen and a main entry room with table, chairs and a rack full of wine (for 5- 10 euro's a bottle).

Once we unpacked and got settled in we headed out, looking for a restaurant where we good have some authentic local cuisine. I had a hunger for pasta (not rolls, cheese, tomato and salami).

We walked for two hours, amazed at the surroundings. Our B&B was right in the middle of this walled-in, historic medieval city. We finally found a place to eat which happened to be right next to our apartment; go figure. After enjoying our meal with a glass of local wine, we picked up some groceries to get us through the next few days. By now the night was overtaking the day so we ventured out to see the pulse of the city under the nighttime glow of the evening sky. It was far too beautiful; very difficult to describe. 

We slept well that night, in our fourth floor apartment, high above the streets of medieval Florence. 

Tomorrow we explore!

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