Thursday, May 2, 2013

Italy as it Happened...Day 6

Italy as it Happened...Day 6

Monday, April 15th

We had a plan and we stuck to it. Today we would catch a bus and head for the town of Siena. This would be an almost all day event. Tomorrow we would focus on Florence and it's museums.

It was a great bus ride on the Italian version of a Double-Decker-Greyhound. On the way to Siena we sat on the lower deck, taking in the sites of the Tuscany countryside. Along the way we made a couple of stops, in such places at Poggibionsi. Very cute towns indeed.

Eventually the two hour journey came to an end. Kerry and I switched into tourist mode and headed to the town's main attraction, the Duomo. After checking out that impressive cathedral as well as a few others, we headed off, away from the crowds, to explore the back streets and alleys of Siena.

At one church, after going inside to admire the renaissance art, we found a grassy area in the shade and dug into our pre-packed picnic. Can you guess what we had? Let me give you a wasn't the first time we ate this assembly of wonderful fresh Italian ingredients. We also enjoyed an olive focaccia for dessert.

Once we finished eating we did like we always do, head in the opposite direction of the tourist. That way we get to hang where the locals hang. We get the freshest produce and meet the nicest people as well as avoiding the crowds...a true Italian experience.

Walking the back roads, knowing the general direction of the square where we were to meet our return bus, we magically came upon a park. On the opposite side of the park was a very old looking building. The gate was open and leave it to Kerry, she accepted the open gate as a sign saying, "Come On In." We did. The foyer was impressive with ancient and modern art displayed. A museum we thought. Maybe! We continued to search around until we came to a closed door. Just like that opened gate, the closed door was just too inviting for Kerry. She grabbed on and slowly opened and peeked in on the other side. Quickly she closed the door telling me that it was a school and behind that closed door was a classroom, filled with kids in the middle of their daily studies. Again, we got to experience something the average tourist would never get to see. How cool is that.

One block down from that park was the square we were looking for and we arrived just in time to catch the return bus to Florence. This time we sat upstairs, with a bunch of high school students heading home for the day. Their energy was electric.
As we entered the Florence area we decided to get off of the bus early, walk around and do some more discovering. We also wanted to avoid the busy tourist congestion around the main bus station downtown. It was a pleasant walk, long but pleasant.
As we found our way across that bridge, the one that lead to our apartment we saw a large line of people (locals). Something up ahead must have been worth waiting for so Kerry and I decided to check it out. They (and us) were now all waiting together for the gold at the end of the rainbow...Gelato. And it seemed just as good as the World's Best Gelato in Venice...Kerry says, "Almost," and I counter with, "Maybe even a little better."

After arriving home and kicking up our feet for a couple of hours (nap) we headed back out to bask in the nightlife of Old City Florence, with all of the other tourist, and there were thousands of them. They seemed to congregate on the one medieval bridge that still looks like it belongs in the middle ages. We congregated as well, listening to the street musicians and vendors while trying to outsmart the pickpockets. We were successful on all accounts.

Our host told us of an old convent that has a coffee shop on the roof and from there you can see amazing views of Florence and the Duomo. It took us awhile to find it but it was well worth the effort. Even though the coffee shop was closed, we were able to head up a winding staircase, to the top, to the most impressive sunset view we experienced to date. We lingered there for quite some time, taking pictures (like the tourist we were).

We had reservations for the Uffizi museum tomorrow so we decided to find it tonight, just so we wouldn't waist time being lost tomorrow. As we found it, we noticed next door there was another museum, with impressive statues outside its doors. Kerry and I peeked in and of course, Kerry peeked further than I did. Her curiosity paid off. An employee of the museum smiled at Kerry and handed her two tickets, for free. We were now free to explore this amazing display of ancient art and we took our time, taking it all in. 

If this was any indication of what we would see tomorrow at the Uffizi, then we would be in for one mind-blowing museum experience tomorrow. Bring it on...

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