Friday, May 17, 2013

Italy as it Happened...Day 15

Italy as it Happened...Day 15
Wednesday, April 24th
It was a lovely day. We listened to the birds chirping as we woke up from our slumber. Pulling back the drapes we were introduced to what would evolve into a sunny and warm day, perfect in every way.
Kerry and I now had a routine and today was no different. First thing we did was start the day with a yummy breakfast (kiwi juice, granola cereal, an apple and an energy bar. There was something about the apples in Italy; they just seemed to taste fantastic (crispy and juicy). We had at least one apple each day since arriving in Italy. Since neither of us got the least bit sick during the entire vacation (considering we drank tons of tap water every day and we did spend that day walking around Rome in the cold, wet weather) maybe there is something to that saying, "An apple a day...Keeps the doctor away." We washed down our breakfast with a couple of home-brewed coffees (we had the coffee brewing thing down by now) and of course, we stared each day with our 8oz dose of Emergency drink.

By 8:30 am we were heading out for our first walk of the day (there would be others). I had a hankering for a pastry. We had been really good this entire vacation and so it was time for us to splurge on the calories. Stopping at a neighborhood bakery we purchased two biscotti. By purchasing two, I would get to have one all to myself, with no obligation to share. "Mine-all mine...waahahaha!" <--- my impression of a villain laughing.

As Kerry and I continued our walk we both bit into our post breakfast snack. We both looked at each other and could instantly tell that we were both in agreement once again. "That was the NASTIEST biscotti either of us every had." The texture was off, the flavor was bitter and the hankering for a fresh baked goodie diminished to a learning lesson. I hate it when a hankering for a fresh baked goodie is diminished to a learning lesson. I can make a far superior biscotti if I do say so myself. Kerry agreed.

We picked up a few groceries to get us through the day. It is a European thing to have small fridges and go out each day to buy your daily groceries (meat, veggies, etc). Only in America do we buy half a cow and stuff it in our freezer for the meal we are planning on 8 months into the future. While we were shopping we came across the biggest peppers either of us had ever seen, These things were the size of our heads (photo op). Yes, we were the only ones in the grocery store with a camera, taking pictures of the produce.

We headed back to the apartment to put our feet up and play some computer games (that Candy Crush Saga game is addictive). I laugh thinking about Kerry watching me play a level. If I lost (and I did often), she would yell out, "You lost. My turn," while grabbing the iPAD out of my hands before the level was even over. I should talk (I did the same). We had a lot of fun killing time and resting (naps), something we haven't spent much time doing since arriving in Italy.

After a hearty lunch we headed out again to hike some miles. We ended up going further than planned. Looks like we had travelled 8 miles before realizing that we needed to turn back. Up ahead we saw a metro station. Once we read the name of it we realized that we walked 3 stations from our neighborhood metro. We stopped to buy Kerry an espresso before turning around and heading back. We did zig and zag up and down some smaller side streets, finding some really cool areas (parks, family markets, schools and a convent).

By 5:30 pm Kerry and I were back home. While I started putting together our stuff for the final re-packing Kerry was in the kitchen making a great pasta dinner with a side salad and red wine (very authentic). After eating I stood at the balcony and watched some of the neighborhood kids play football (soccer) using a giant acorn as a soccer ball.

Later on after all of our bags were packed up, Alessandro (our host, who lives 15 minutes away) came by to take care of a few things for the new arrivals (2 couples) who showed up late the previous evening. While visiting with Alessandro, two of the other guest (the husbands) joined in our conversation. I sat back and thought about how perfect this moment was; strangers becoming friends ( a world apart). I apologized to our flat-mates in advance for the noise they may hear at 5am (the time Kerry and I would be up and ready to leave). They weren't concerned.

By 7:30 pm we were heading to our bed while the others headed out for a night of night club partying.  To us, bed sounded a lot more inviting (I speak for myself).

A couple of days ago, when Kerry and I took the metro to do some neighborhood exploring, one of the things we did was go to the main metro station called the Termini. This is where the metro meets the railroad station. This is where we needed to catch a special "High Speed" train to the airport when we were ready to leave for home. We decided to actually find our way to that Airport Express train platform and time how long it will take us to get there from our apartment.

Okay We have it all figured out. It is a 15 minute metro ride from our house to the Termini station. From there it is a 15 minute walk (if we go slow) to the Airport Express platform. The Express we wanted to catch leaves at 6:00 am which means we have to leave our place by 5:00 am to get there by 5:45 am. That would give us 15 extra minutes for fumbling around like a couple of tourist (figure out the ticket machine, get the tickets validated, etc).  
Our bags are packed and we tested my phones alarm to insure we know how to use it. Alarm time is set for 4:45 am, which will give us 15 minutes to do what we need to do before closing the apartment door behind us for the very last time. Lights were out at 8:00 pm while we lay there pondering, "What did we forget?"

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