Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Italy as it Happened...Day 4

Italy as it Happened...Day 4

Saturday, April 13th

Today I was reminded of my days at sea, working on the ships. Kerry and I spent the entire day going to various islands surrounding the Venice area...there are dozens of them.

The public bus system is called the Vaporetto and when you purchase a 2, 3 or 5 day ticket, you get to hop on and off as many times as you wish. You can also purchase a point-to-point ticket, but that would be a waste of money for a couple of seasoned tourist like us.

The first Island we went to was called Murano, world renowned for Glass Blowing. As soon as we stepped off of the water bus, there were people all over us trying to lure us to their shops. The technique was basically this; "Come with me and watch our Master Glass Blower do his magic right before your eyes." Kerry and I followed, like bugs attracted to the light. Our preferred vendor would be the first one we saw, the one with the closest shop, the one who spoke perfect English.

Once on their property, there was no turning back, We were herded into a waiting area, a holding pen if you will. We were instructed to wait and we obeyed. There was a group ahead of us, and once they departed the show (glass blowing 101) we would be allowed to enter. It was all so organized.

Finally, almost 20 minutes later the doors swung open and we entered into the "Furnace" room. The slap of the heat smacked each and every one of us as we found a place to sit. Out came a jolly looking fellow, not what one expected as being a Master. With a glob of molten glass on the tip of his tube he placed it in the furnace while our guide talked about this or that. I wasn't paying attention to him; instead I was that bug, drawn to the light, the master, that baseball sized glob of glass.

Now, here is what amazed me, and everyone else watching. This dude took that piece of glass and with a little blow and rotating like crazy, in less than 60 seconds he was breaking off of the end of his tube the "Perfect" glass horse figurine. I guess he has done this a few times before.

As soon as the demo was done, the opposing door was opened, herding us into the gift shop, while others outside were waiting to take our place. Yes, it was all so organized.
We looked, with appreciation and respect at all of the items on display (free shipping to the USA was the tease). Sure, if one wanted to spend over a $500.00 or more for that one of a kind piece of glass art. Then a man approached us. Here came the hard sale I thought to myself. "May I show you something special?" he offered. Before I could say, "No thanks. Just looking," Kerry said, "Sure." With that we were escorted behind a drape and up some stairs to a room none of the others got to see. Here was where they kept the "GOOD" stuff. Sure I could see spending $3000 or more (with free shipping)...my eyes glazed over. This was the beautiful alluring light, and I was the bug. With respect, Kerry and I took a quick walk around before thanking our new friend...the exit was up ahead and we carefully made our escape. And when I say carefully, remember I was wearing my backpack and could have easily turned the wrong way..."You Break It, You Bought It," repeated over and over in the back of my head.

We spent another hour or so wondering around Murano before catching the water bus to another island called Barano, the worlds capital for Lace Weaving. On Barano all the buildings are painted different bright colors, giving the island the nick name, the Painted Island.This was pretty cool. We would find a spot in the shade and eat our pre-packed picnic (yes, fresh rolls, cheese, salami and tomato). Yumm...still my favorite sandwich, ever.

On the way back to Venice we stopped at a few other islands (Lido, etc) just to check them out. 

Back on the water bus with more Islands to see. Remember, with our Vaporetto pass, we could hop on and off as long as we wanted...We just had to make sure we didn't miss the last water bus, leaving us stranded on one of these Paradise Islands...
Once back at our B&B we finished off the food we had in the fridge for super (rolls, cheese, salami and tomato). This time we had the bottle of red wine to finish off as well.
Now, at some point the other two rooms became occupied as well. We were now sharing the kitchen and bathroom with an Asian family. After eating I decided I wanted to use the bathroom before heading out for the evening. They charge you 1.5 Euros to use the public toilets ($1.96 USD). Just before I walked out of our bedroom one of the girls from the other room walked into the bathroom and secured the door behind her. I could hear the shower starting...GREAT!

Seriously, that shower ran for over 45 minutes before she finally left. I quickly went into the bathroom before the rest of the family decided they wanted to shower as well. As I closed the bathroom door behind me, I was now standing in the middle of the filthiest bathroom I had ever seen. House Rule #3 clearly states; KEEP BATHROOM AND KITCHEN CLEAN. I guess she didn't see the sign. There was water everywhere...HELLO, ever hear of closing the shower door while running the shower? Her long black hair was on everything. Total chaos, everywhere.

As I left the bathroom behind me two thoughts passed through my mind. 1) Glad we are leaving in the morning. 2) Seeing that long black hair draped over everything, the owner, when he discovers this mess will know it wasn't me or Kerry (Kerry has red hair and I hardly have any).

Venice was becoming our new favorite place and yet it was only our first stop of many during this vacation. After packing up our bags, we headed out to St. Mark's square, for one last visit and one last "Worlds Best Gelato." And it was. This would be our third and final night in this amazing city and we look forward to whatever else Italy has to offer. If Venice is an example of what we can expect to find as we explore Tuscany, then Kerry and I are in for one "SPECIAL" couple of weeks.

Tomorrow we catch a noon train to Florence. Now, if we can only figure out how to take a boat to the train station. 

Good night Venice, sleep well...

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