Thursday, February 19, 2015

Minor Remodel...To Beam or Not to Beam...

As mentioned previously, my garage has become a workshop. My task yesterday was to stain all of this Douglas Fir...this will be used on the entry way roof.

Like this...

Today the roofers came and put down the waterproofing membrane...soon they will will install the roofing shingle to match the rest of the house.

 Once they are done, I will go back and paint/stain where needed to give this structure a finished look. This will be around the same time the light fixture will be installed.

Now that most of the entry structure is up, it is time to work on the beams for the trellis. 

These monsters are HEAVY,,,approx 300 lbs each.

Lifting them overhead and into their final position took All Hands, including Kerry and myself...

It was a long day with a few complications thrown in for good measure.

The second beam seemed a little easier...

Kerry is helping measure to insure we are level and plumb.

 And for today, That's All Folks...

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