Saturday, February 7, 2015

Minor Remodel...The Rug Rats...

While waiting for the weather to clear up, so the contractors can get back to work outside, we decided to focus on a couple of interior projects; ones we had allocated for this time of year.

As mentioned in my last posting, we did a whole lot of drywall work, including re-texturing, priming, sanding and painting. They did not do the upstairs baseboards...and here is why; we are getting rid of all the carpet and laying down new floors.

 Our Team Lead for the flooring crew is very artistic...

His entire body is a walking canvas...

They started the demo on Friday and within a short period of time (4+ hrs), they completely prepared the upstairs living room and hallway.

To complete the flooring job, we needed 66 cases of product, not to mention all of the other material that goes along with the job (padding, transition pieces, etc.)

Kerry and I officially moved downstairs to sleep for the duration of this project. Since they don't work on Saturday or Sunday, they will be back on Monday morning, with promises of being done by Wednesday...We'll See!

Finished pictures will be taken and shared during my next posting.

Once the flooring team is gone, the painting crew will return to finish off the base boards..At that point, all of our interior projects will be done...Or will they?

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