Saturday, February 21, 2015

Minor Remodel...Day of Rest

Remember that bracket that was welded on the column in the wrong position? A new one was made and once the main beam was hoisted into place, the welded bracket was removed. 

The cuts will be hidden by the rock we will install on the column...

The rock portion of the columns are being framed...

A ledger was installed to support the trellis...

The first trellis 4x4 was installed...only 3 will be installed before calling it a day,,,

Ready for the cement board and rock...

Since my garage has become a work shop, we have to park outside. We are happy that the weather has been sunny and warm...seems like Spring has sprung...

Sunrise view from our foyer...

Now, we get to enjoy a day (or 2) of rest...for the first time in months.

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