Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas in 6

Wednesday December 25

Merry Christmas everyone.
With our new pj's on we all eventually gathered by the tree. Today was like the Christmas days of my youth. There is a strange glow about, and I like it. Why can't we (humans) feel like this every day? This and many other realizations quickly float to the surface. What about those who don't have a family to share this day with? What about those who just experienced a loss? Will Christmas ever be the same? For me though, I quickly bounce back to this here-and-now. Grandkids are running wild with excitement. There are new traditions for Kerry and I to experience; the Alabama Malan Family Christmas tradition, and we, for the first time, will do this day their way.

After eating a hearty breakfast of bacon and monkey bread, with a tall side of orange juice we got down to business. By 11:00am, the tree was bare, as far as gifts go. We took our time opening one gift at a time, so the excitement of opening that gift could be appreciated and shared. Jared made an awesome Santa.

The ham was in the oven and Kristin kept busy with all of the other fixins. While Kristin was busy with preparing the holiday feast, Nick, Kerry and I went outside to continue with the shed construction. Previously we got as far as various beam and foundation assemblies. Then we reached a point where the instruction manual said, "STOP NOW." Apparently the remaining assembly would take SEVERAL hours and to avoid wind damage to incomplete walls, it was recommended that we wait until we had enough time to finish this section. We didn't have that much time...the sun was already setting.



Today we had several hours of sunshine to work so we continued where we left off...building (or should I say assembling) the walls. We worked nonstop, until the sun started dancing with the western horizon. All four walls were now up with supports in place. Tomorrow we tackle the roof.

For now, our goal is to spend the rest of Christmas day basking in the "Reason for the Season." After eating dinner, games were played, toys explored and  moments cherished. As you guessed, we closed this Christmas Day with our Sleepy Time herbal tea. We had a full day of beautiful moments, each one devoured. No nap time today ... Deep sleep tonight.

A family with an old person has a living treasure of gold.


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