Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas in 5

Tuesday December 24  
Today we went to see Santa. Kristin was right...getting there first thing in the morning we only had to deal with a hand full of people in line. Kristin held a spot in line while everyone else explored the Bass Pro Shop and all of the stuff they had on display (clothing, sporting goods, boats, dead stuffed animals and a huge fully stocked aquarium.)
There were tons of activities set up for the kids, just to keep them busy while their folks waited in line (target shooting, a race care track, bow and arrow shooting and a writing station where one could compose their letter to Santa, and post it too). Shortly after Santa was open for business the photo op was here, with Jared and Landon by his side and a concerned Karis upon his lap...and just like that, it was over.


There were toys stacked everywhere. Kerry even noticed a display of Daisy riffles, which brought to mind how much we missed our other two grandkids in Washington State...Daisy and Brandon.
The morning seemed to pass by quickly. By the time we got back home, gave Jared a hair cut and ate a light lunch, it was the infamous nap time once again. We all slept well.


By 3:30pm we were once again loaded into the van, heading back to church for the Christmas Eve Candle Light service. We listened to a children's holiday story while all of the kids sat on and around the stage. Then we sang some of our favorite Christmas carols before finishing off with the actual lighting of the candles, started from one flame, spreading throughout the entire worship center. I always get choked up during the candle lighting portion of a Candle Light's just so beautiful. 

The plan for the remainder of the day is a Beef Stroganoff dinner followed by a traditional Christmas Eve gift opening. I love tradition and Nick's family had plenty. It was fun watching the boys bake some cookies for Santa (and me).

We all received a new pair of pajama's. These were for us to wear while spending the rest of the Christmas Eve evening sipping our hot chocolate while watching A Veggie Tales Holiday Movie. Once the kids were all tucked in for the night, Nick, Kristin and Kerry assembled a toy car for Karis and filled up some stockings...or should I say Santa filled up some stockings? No time to work on the shed today...there is always tomorrow, Christmas Day!

Fond memories of my childhood flood through me...warm and fuzziness, and it isn't even Christmas
Day yet.

Family traditions counter alienation and confusion. They help us define who we are; they provide something steady, reliable and safe in a confusing world.


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