Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas in 7

Thursday Dec 26

That's right, only 364 days until Christmas.  
Today is Boxing Day, a holiday celebrated in Commonwealth countries, like Canada. Apparently, in the old days, when a child got a new toy or pair of shoes, they would take the box their gift came in and fill it with old toys or shoes or whatever. Then they would leave the boxes by their front door where they would be collected and distributed to the poor and needy. Sharing with those less fortunate was the focus. It was a true Merry Christmas. Well, now-a-days Boxing Day has morphed into a holiday more geared around returning or exchanging gifts that you don't want or don't fit. Even though there is still a higher rate of generosity between the average person and those less fortunate during the holidays, the true meaning of Boxing Day has long since been lost. Sad!

Today we relaxed and savored the special moments; Jared watching over his little sister; Landon mimicking his older brother; Nicholas and Kristin multi tasking. It was a great way to start the day. By 10am the three of us were back at it...assembling the shed. Yes, this was day three and we finally got the roof up and sort of attached. Every time we start a new section, the list of hardware required was daunting (95 screws with washers or 156 bolts with washers and nuts, ect).  We stopped for a quick lunch before getting back to work. Our afternoon was all about the shed's roof.

The leftover food from yesterday made a great lunch and the ham bone morphed into an awesome ham and bean soup for supper. After eating dinner Kerry and I stayed with the kids while Nick and Kristin went out to feed a friends pet. They also took a little time for themselves...a mini dessert date I guess you can call it.

While Nick and Kristin were gone Grammy and I enjoyed working with Landon and Jared in putting together a Rice Krispies Treats Holiday Train kit. Nothing like a high dose of sugar before going to bed. Being a Grandparent is a wonderful thing.
Family is what grounds you...
ANGELINA JOLIE, interview, Jun. 13, 2001

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