Thursday, December 3, 2015

Road Trip...Day 59 - Day 61...The Final Chapter

Day 59...Nov 12

Why go to the trouble to set up the stove, make French Press coffee and have to deal with the cleanup afterwards when one could simply get in the van and drive to Starbucks, only a few miles down the road? This was where my mind was at as I woke up to the day. Kerry agreed....she loves her Starbucks. To my surprise there was a Subway right next door. Subway for breakfast sounded good to me.

As we continued making our way along highway 1, we passed through some amazing little towns that neither of us had ever heard of before. There were fishing villages selling fresh BBQ oysters and other towns selling the freshest produce. 

The fields of artichoke and Brussels sprouts ran from horizon to horizon. We even stopped at the Pigeon Point Light House to capture, or at least try to capture the impressive image.

For lunch we stopped in Half Moon Bay, a favorite place of ours and our Aunt Bernice and Uncle Ed. They are both gone now. When Bernice passed, after her ashes were scattered at sea everyone gathered at the Half Moon Bay Brewery in her honor. Today Kerry and I enjoyed sitting on the bench in front of the brewery, dedicated by the family in the name of Bernice and Ed. Touching...

After lunch we continued north to where the 1 merged with the 101...or at least it looked that way. We found ourselves following the instructions of the GPS which took us through neighborhoods in San Francisco eventually leading us across the Golden Gate. I never realized that there was a view point where one could pull off and get some bridge and cityscape pics...and that is just what we did.

Soon we made our way back to the coastal route highway 1. After a couple more hours of winding, twisting 20mph roads we decided to get back to the 101 and get some miles behind us (plan B).  

We enjoyed an amazing (and restful) stop at Clear Lake in Lake Port...

By the time the sun started to set we were passing the town of Healdsburg. The sign up ahead said camping so we veered off in search of the camp ground. We continued to follow the signs, for miles. The road narrowed as it climbed up the side of a hill. Potholes all around us as we continued to blindly follow the signs. There was a bridge that was only one lane wide and as we stopped for an on-coming car I couldn't help notice the look on their faces. Were they laughing at us? I wanted to turn around but the road was too narrow. Kerry wanted to continue. Then we saw the sign up ahead that read...Do Not Despair ... You Are Almost There. Eventually we found a KOA perched atop this hill, tucked away behind the vineyards. 

Looking at the weather forecast at home we decided to see if we can get back home by Saturday. Next stop, Crescent City and from there, home!

Day 60...Nov 13

When we woke up this morning we continued, as planned, to navigate up the 101. After a couple of hours we thought about the weather that was heading towards home and decided that we were better off getting home a day before the bad weather was due to hit. I was not interested in navigating snowy passes...been there, done that! The option we pondered was to head over to highway 5 and slam it home, stopping in Redding for an overnight stay at a cousins house. We decided that this option was the smart way to go. 

We found a small road that took us to highway 5 and the north bound road home. As we arrived in Redding we decided to make two stops before heading to Adrienne and Nicks house (Kerry's cousin and her husband). As we left the KOA this morning the manager told us about a bridge that was built in Redding. This bridge was attracting a lot of attention. It was called the Sun Dial bridge at Turtle Bay. 

This was a great outing opportunity for Kerry, Rosie and me. As we walked over the bridge we noticed a couple of guys in a boat looking for salmon. I told Kerry that they must be Indian because they were gaffing the salmon. Then as one guy gaffed a fish and lifted it out the water, the other guy used a large scissor to cut the salmon in half, leaving the two body parts to slowly float away. I yelled down to them asking them what they were doing. They told me that they were with the Fisheries Dept. and this is how they count the dead salmon after the spawning is done. By cutting the already dead fish in two they are assured not to count the same fish twice. Interesting.

From there we drove to Costco to top off my gas tank. This was the second time during this trip that we found a Costco who didn't sell gas. We ended up getting gas somewhere else...then we went to Kerry's cousins place. Kerry's other cousin Charlie also stopped by to see Kerry. It was like a mini reunion. After a great take out Chinese dinner we all sat around chatting for a few hours.  We parked our van on the street in front of the house...that was where we would sleep tonight...on the this gated community. 

Day 61...Nov 13

After a few cups of coffee with toasted bagels we hit the road once again. It was Friday morning and we were 140 miles from home. We were on a schedule that would have us home by 2:00pm. The passes were clear and traffic light. We never did make it to Crescent City.

Before we knew it we were watching Mount Shasta disappear behind us. Ashland was up ahead and it too arrived quickly before disappearing behind us. Next stop would be Costco to load up on needed supplies. 

Then the moment came when we pulled into our driveway and entered our home. It was a weird feeling. Everything was just as we left it, with maybe a little extra dust here and there. Chloe, our house sitter and her belongings were gone. The house felt cold from the chill outside. While Kerry got the heater turner on and put away the groceries, I started unloading the van. All of the laundry we had was dropped in the laundry room for Kerry to sort while I continued removing items from the van, one piece at a time. I couldn't believe how much stuff we had crammed in there, a lot of which we never used.

It took me a solid hour and a half to finally get to the point where I was ready to remove the memory foam mattress. Once I had it securely in its plastic bag and taped shut it slid easily to its final resting place in the back of one of the downstairs closets. Next order of business was to unload the Yakama on top of the van. This went a lot quicker. With the van nicely tucked in the garage  it was time to sit back and do something we did very little of during the past 60 days...enjoy our home. 
It was really nice and sort of strange to be sleeping in our own bed. Tomorrow will be one last push to get everything back into its place...then it will be done...

Red States = States Visited





States Visited

BLOG Word Count





Camp Sites


Thanks for following along as we explored this amazing country. Our wish is that you got a sense of what it was like driving thousands of miles, sleeping  in a van and meeting some very interesting folks along the way. We are so much richer for the experience, Are you?

Until our next adventure, one that is BLOG worthy, this is the Hunter Trio signing off...for now!

Kerry (Co Pilot, Navigator, General Manager)      
 Rosie (Security, Food Tester, Pillow Warmer)     
Richard (Loose Screw Dept.)/

Loose Screws are made to be Tightened, Right?