Friday, November 30, 2012

P90X - You Want Me To Do What?

P90X Day TWO…
I decided to get right into the P90X mode early enough to give me plenty of recovery time before having to prepare lunch for Kerry’s mom (Chris).  By the time I finished my Facebook updating and checked and replied to all of my e-mails, time was quickly running out. I also had to handle a few phone calls (some inbound and others outbound). By the time I got into my Day Two P90X routine the morning was almost history. Chris got her lunch when I finished my workout (@ 12:30pm).
Today’s routine was focused on Legs and Back. Before I started I took a series of measurements (upper and lower arms, upper and lower legs, chest, belly and I even measured my neck. Yeah I know, I should be using gym lingo such as biceps, triceps, quads, etc. Give me a break...this is only day two! I also noted my weight). Hey, I gained a pound! Those Darn Cookies…
To my surprise, when I started the dvd, I found that today’s exercise routine was 56 minutes, not the 45 minutes I barely survived yesterday.  Bummer!
I would say that I was able to handle most of what was expected of me. There were also things they wanted me to do that were physically impossible, for a couple of reasons. First, I don’t have a chin-up bar, so for those exercises, I had to create my own version of a girly girl chin-up.  I grabbed onto the upper door trim and simply pulled up while flexing every muscle I could within my arms. Of course, my feet were on the ground all of this time. But I did rise up and down on my toes with each pull. I know that if I continue to do this, I will end up pulling the door frame apart…so as far as the chin-ups go, I will have to create a plan B.
When Kerry’s mom and dad moved in with us a few years ago, I had to sell my RV to make room in the RV garage for all of their stuff. Now my RV is a pop up, which only takes half of the floor space. My plan B is going to be investing in some soft floor coverings (mats), build a chin-up bar supported to the rafters and more or less, turn that half of the garage into a mini gym. So, for now, I will settle with my girly girl style chin-ups while keeping up the intensity with the rest of the routine.
What did I get out of today’s workout? Let me see….I guess the first thing that jumps out at me is the fact that when the muscles burn, it hurts. They say that that is a good thing. I’ll let you know. For the most part, today was like yesterday in that I was able to keep up (except for the chin-up thing) and at the end I was all pumped up and ready to go…and go I did…right to the kitchen and make some lunch. For Chris, I tried to keep her lunch healthy. I made her a wrap with a slice of turkey, some lettuce, mayo and a little Gouda cheese. She also has a small serving of Kerry’s homemade Cole slaw and a cookie (also homemade).  For me, I did take a small, teeny weenie taste of the Gouda cheese (I mean a piece smaller than a dime) and I did have a couple of heaping teaspoons of the Cole slaw. Instead of a chocolate chip cookie I made myself a protein drink with whey powder, frozen fruit and soy milk. Yummy!
After lunch was served I decided to go back and do the second phase of today’s routine…Ab Ripper X. Apparently, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday this Ab Ripper X routine is added to the other routine. When I started the dvd I was pleased to see that it was only a 16 minute routine.
Seriously, after 8 or 9 minutes I turned it off. This was crazy. I think I will have to build up to those exercises. Here is an example of what they expected me to do. They (the dvd instructor) told me to lay on the floor, flat on my back with legs out in front of me spread out wide. Done! So far, so good. Then they wanted me to take my left hand and place it behind my head. Done! I am feeling very comfy and am liking this very much – that is until they tell me to lift my torso (do a sit up) and with my other arm (the right one) reach out and touch my left foot, making sure not to bend my knees or lift  my legs up. Once back down, reverse the arms, placing the right hand behind my head, sitting up and touching my right foot with my left hand. WHAT! ARE YOU CRAZY?
Let me tell you a little about my physical abilities. When I stand tall and bend forward, I “Do Not” and “Can Not” reach the floor. I am lucky to reach my knees…LOL  I know that will improve in time.  So when I am lying down, there is no way I can sit up and touch my feet. Ain’t gonna happen! And, to add to the level of difficulty, when I try to sit up from a laying position my legs want to raise up. They do that on their own. Unless there is someone sitting on my feet, there is no way that this exercise will work. So I did it the girly-girl way, by doing crunches, which in the long run are working the muscle group needing the most work – my Abs.
So, today I made it 8 or 9 minutes into the Ab Ripper X routine. Maybe on Monday I will be able to go a few seconds further – maybe not.  But I will continue to try and that’s the name of the game.
I did enjoy the Legs and Back part of today’s workout. I didn’t have to pause for any breaks and was able to keep hydrated while on the go. Yesterday I used drinking water as an excuse to pause (giving me my much needed 15 to 20 second break now and then - - - and that’s okay). Today, they did have me folded into pretzel like positions and I know I will be feeling it tomorrow.
Now, that lunch has been served and all is well, I think I will go and soak these old bones in the hot tub, before the post-workout aches kick in.
                                            "You want me to do what?"

Thursday, November 29, 2012

P90X and chocolate don't mix

It has been awhile since my last blog. Telling the story of Red Campbell and his passing was a labor of love, but now, that story is told and it is time to move on to other things. In order to keep you interested in the events that are shaping my life (and Kerry's too), I decided to blog about something new to me, something exciting, something transforming, something painful.

I am talking about P90X . . .

My youngest son Nicholas completed the P90X program earlier this year and has raved about it ever since.  What does P90X mean, you may ask. Simply put... POWER  90  EXTREME!  This is a complete 90-day in home fitness program designed to get you in the best shape of your life, as long as it doesn't kill you first.
The system includes 12 intense workouts that utilize resistance and body-weight training, cardio, plyometrics, ab work, martial arts and yoga. A healthy nutrition plan is also a key part to any fitness program.

I am more of a follow-my-own-path kind of guy. So today, was day 1 for me and I decided to blog about the experience, just in case any of you out there might be interested in what it is like for me to put my body (and mind) through things that I never dreamed possible.

Here we go.

DAY ONE... I sat and watched the first dvd yesterday (Cardio X). The pace seemed rather fast but in my mind I was convinced that I could keep up. The 45 minute long exercise program had a fast paced warm up, an even faster paced cardio workout followed by my favorite part...the cool down and END!!!

I have been exercising for sometime now with a regular routine that I seldom sway from. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I run on the treadmill for 3 miles (35 minutes). On Tuesdays, Thursdays and most Saturdays I do a series of upper body exercises, including various planking positions as part of my warm up.

But here is my problem...FOOD! I once asked my doctor why it is that even though I exercise regularily, my weight is stable at 20 lbs above where it should be. Yes, I am converting fat into muscle tissue (and that is a good thing) but after years, my weight is going down at a slower-than-desired pace. His answer to my inquiry was two simple words...words that I now realize were words of truth and wisdom. He said, "Portion Control." Yikes... When something tastes so good, it is hard to stop at just one serving. And don't get me started on the what we lovingly refer to as the num nums our evening piece (or 3) of dark chocolate.

So when Nick suggested this P90X program, I thought, "Why not? Lets give it a try." This is my story...

As I mentioned above, I watched the first dvd to mentally prepare myself for what I was obligated to do. Today while Kerry was out, I ran the program and had all of my tools at hand (a stool, floor pad, heart monitor, water and the remote control so I could easily pause it if I needed a break). By time the warm up was done, I was huffing and puffing like a chain smoker. I was thinking to myself that this was going to be a LONG 45 minutes. It wasn't.

At the end of the program, I was suprised to see that for the most part, I was able to keep up. Now, keep in mind that when they did some martial arts moves (round house kicks, etc) mine weren't so pretty. I didn't have the clean cut lines that those on the screen had, but I had the moves and intensity needed to bring on a good sweat. I studied Korean Karate when I was younger and so those moves came back to me very easily, without the youthful dexterity.

I paused the dvd twice, once to refill my water bottle and once to catch my breath before moving on to the next routine. Yes, I even thought about just turning it off and taking a nap, but I fought the urge, and won. I have a feeling my muscles will ache tomorrow....a good ache.

Tomorrow, my day TWO, I will start by taking down all of my measurements and documenting them so I can monitor my progress along the way. I will wait until I have completed the full 90 days before sharing with you my loss (or gain).

I hope you find this blog interesting enough to become a follower. If at any time you have a question, please feel free to ask me anything, anytime. Now, for just one piece of chocolate (portion control, portion control, portion control - but it taste so good!)

Oh, and one more temptation, Kerry is in the kitchen baking chocolate chip cookies. Lord, give me strength.

                   Me, after just one day of P90X...WOW, even my face changed...LOL

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Veterans Day Tribute to my Former Squadron RCAF 8 Wing 424 Sq.

424 (Search and Rescue / Transport) Squadron

8 Wing 424 (Tiger) Squadron is a Search and Rescue/Transport Squadron working out of #9 Hangar at 8 Wing/CFB Trenton. To fulfil its roles, 424 Squadron flies the CH-146 Griffon helicopter and the Lockheed CC-130 Hercules.
424 Squadron is responsible for the 10,000,000 square kilometers of the Trenton Search and Rescue Region comprising most of the Province of Quebec, all of Ontario, the Prairie Provinces and the entire Arctic.
The Squadron crews one Aircraft of each type on a 30 minute standby response posture during normal working hours and on a two hour posture at all other times in order to respond to distress cases as tasked by the Rescue Coordination Centre.
The Hercules allows the Squadron to fulfill its other primary role of strategic transport anywhere in the world. To maintain this capability, the Squadron yearly conducts four Long Range Trainers to the Caribbean, South America, Europe and Africa. Airlift for humanitarian and aid agencies are carried on these flights, often bringing aid and supplies to hospitals and orphanages. As well, 424 Squadron crews participate in all major airlift operations
424 (T&R) Squadron provides an important and diverse capability to 8 Wing which in turn makes for an interesting and satisfying tour of duty for its members.

Squadron Badge

The 424 Squadron badge shows a heraldic tiger's head. The squadron was adopted by the City of Hamilton and adopted the tiger's head in reference to the Hamilton Football team.


"CASTINGANDOS CASTIGAMUS" - We chastise those who deserve to be chastised.


On 15 October 1942, 424 Bomber Squadron formed at Topcliffe, England. It flew from England and Tunisia during the war, disbanding on 15 October 1945.
Back in Canada, the squadron reformed at RCAF Station Hamilton on 15 April 1946 as 424 Light Bomber Squadron (Auxiliary).
On 19 September 1952, the title "City of Hamilton" was added to the official squadron designation. The squadron was disbanded on 31 March 1964.
On 8 July 1968, 424 Communications and Rescue Squadron stood up at RCAF Station (CFB) Trenton, where they remain today equipped with the CH-149 Cormorant and CC-130 Hercules.

Battle Honours

  • English Channel and North Sea 1944-1945
  • Baltic 1944-1945
  • Fortress Europe 1943-1944
  • France and Germany 1944-1945
  • Biscay Ports 1943-1944
  • Ruhr 1943-1945
  • Berlin 1944
  • German Ports 1943-1945
  • Normandy 1944
  • Rhine
  • Biscay 1943-1944
  • Sicily 1943
  • Italy 1943
  • Salerno

Aircraft Flown

  • Vickers Wellington
  • Handley Page Halifax
  • Avro Lancaster
  • North American Harvard
  • North American P-51 Mustang
  • Canadair (Lockheed) CT-33 Silver Star
  • Beech CT-128 (C-45) Expeditor
  • de Havilland CC-123 (DHC-3) Otter
  • Vertol H-21
  • Douglas CC-129 (DC-3) Dakota
  • de Havilland CC-108 (DHC-4) Caribou
  • de Havilland CC-138 (DHC-6) Twin Otter
  • Boeing Vertol CH-113 Labrador
  • de Havilland CC-115 (DHC-5) Buffalo
  • Bell CH-135 Twin huey
  • Lockeed CC-130 Hercules