Sunday, May 3, 2015

Minor Remodel...It Is Finished...

As I noted in my last posting, many weeks ago, we were almost finished our Minor Remodel project. All we needed was to mount the two Capitals on top of the half columns, by the front door. Not only did they have to be special ordered, we also had to wait for our stone mason to return from a project he was doing up in Alaska.

When he got back, we not only mounted the Capitals, we also added a small wall in front of the garbage can and hose so they would be out of sight from the street. Can you find the small wall?

Instead of writing a bunch of stuff, that you probably already know from reading my previous postings, I will shut up now and just share with you some progression pictures of our project beginning over 9 months ago. If you haven't seen my previous Minor Remodel postings, feel free to click on the right hand side over there --->  and catch up on all the fun.

Here ya go;



     see ya...